
CBD Pasta - Pure CBD olie in spuiten - Zuiver Hennep Extract!

CBD Pasta is zuivere, reine, hoog geconcentreerde en zeer effectieve cannabidiol olie (volledig spectrum) in applicators met handige maataanduiding. Hierdoor wordt doseren nog eenvoudiger en bovendien veel nauwkeuriger. De doseerspuiten met dikke pasta-achtige hennepolie zijn verkrijgbaar met 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg en 2500 mg CBD, met percentages oplopend tot wel 60% zuivere CBD.

Puur cannabidiol-rijk extract van bloemtoppen

Onze pure cannabidiol extracten zijn afkomstig van de bloemtoppen van legale en Europees gecertificeerde hennep die onder strenge controle en hoge voorwaarden wordt geteeld zonder gebruik te maken van schadelijke stoffen of productie processen. Om aan deze hoge kwaliteitseisen te kunnen blijven voldoen worden er regelmatig controles op kwaliteit en zuiverheid uitgevoerd, zodat een puur en schoon product gegarandeerd kan worden.

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€ 18
€ 184
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    Product 1 to 6 (of 6 products) Result:1

    Pure hemp oil

    The name pure which has been used for the paste-like content in these syringes should not be misstaken to mean pure CBD, meaning only CBD and nothing but CBD. The pure related to the syringes indicates the purity of the product where all efforts are made to as much as possible preserve all useful components of the plant, including not only other phytocannabinoids, but for instance also useful terpenes and flavenoids.

    The paste in the syringes contains higher percentages of CBD and is thicker and more viscous than the oil supplied in dropper bottles. The purer the product, the higher the percentages and the thicker the substance. To make the paste dosable, extra filtration of other plant ingredients is applied or use is made of mixing with oils like for example olive oil, hempseed oil or linseed oil.

    The more of these oils is used, the more liquid the end product becomes, so it can be used in dropper bottles or applicators. The paste in the syringes is less liquid than in the dropper bottles and therefore does contain higher percentages of cannabidiol, meaning less of it needs to be used.

    Hemp varieties utilised

    For the manufacture of Cibiday pure paste use is made of various officially approved and certified hemp strains, including Futura 75 and Finola. Futura 75 is a medium sized plant with both male and female flowers on the same plant (monoecious), while Finola, a relatively small plant, has both male and female plants (dioecious). These two hemp strains are cultivated in a completely organic and environmentally friendly manner on hemp fields of average size which are located in Germany.

    Difference to Rick Simpson oil

    Rick Simpson oil is a product which has become quite well known. Despite that Cibiday oil, just like the popular RSO oil, is supplied in syringes, it should not be confused with it. The fact is with the Rick Simpson method use is made of weed plants containing high percentages of the psychoactive THC, which means this oil can not be legally manufactured or sold.

    Cibiday however only makes use of EU-certified and completely legally cultivated hemp plants in which the psychoactive cannabinoid THC is not at all or hardly present. This means it is allowed to consume our products without commiting an offence.

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